Happy 4th Birthday Princess Ashley! I can't believe how fast you are growing! You are such a joy in my life. I love you so very much! We all do, Daddy, Mommy, Levi, Myles and Elle.
Oh Princess Ashley, Aunt Dani Fani is so sorry she didn't call you yesterday, I have had a lot going on this week, Anyways Happy 4th Birthday, I LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH
Let me preface everything I am about to say by saying, I have the most wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, talented children ever created! (now I've lost you because your thinking, she's wrong, I do, your right, you do too!) So why is it that they can also be the complete opposite(at times)? Why do I have to tell the same child everyday to not bring a blanket to the table. I tell them "Please get dressed before you come eat." Apparently, it is much easier to wrap oneself in a blanket and then have to fish your hands out to eat! Why does my child who can remember things from infancy(seems that way anyhow) have to be reminded every morning to "Please brush your teeth"? Why does my child, who can't stand for anyone to touch their belongings, think it is ok for them to get into my purse everyday and chew my gum, use my chapstick, and eat any mints that might be left from the previous days' rampage? How is it that my child, who thinks the world is their ca...
This is not just a cliche, it is scripture. And it may very well be one of the most used scriptures. On Tuesday night, my boys participated in their very first communion and foot washing service. Some may think they are too young and don't understand the symbolism, and that may be true, but being that they both have the Holy Ghost and have been baptized, I thought it was time for them to take part. I explained to them what would happen and the reasoning behind it. I also asked them to examine their hearts to make sure they were heaven ready. They both seemed to understand and they both expressed desire to follow through. It was all going well until Ashley realized they had something in their hand that she didn't. She asked me what it was, and I told her. Here is how the conversation went.. Ashley: "I want grape juice too!" Me: "Well, honey you are still too young." Ashley: "Why I too young?" Me: "It's for after you get the Holy Ghost and ...
She has finally accepted the fact that she is four. She didn't think she could be four if her hair wasn't "growed" out!