Life in the Real World!

Let me preface everything I am about to say by saying, I have the most wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, talented children ever created! (now I've lost you because your thinking, she's wrong, I do, your right, you do too!) So why is it that they can also be the complete opposite(at times)?
Why do I have to tell the same child everyday to not bring a blanket to the table. I tell them "Please get dressed before you come eat." Apparently, it is much easier to wrap oneself in a blanket and then have to fish your hands out to eat!
Why does my child who can remember things from infancy(seems that way anyhow) have to be reminded every morning to "Please brush your teeth"?
Why does my child, who can't stand for anyone to touch their belongings, think it is ok for them to get into my purse everyday and chew my gum, use my chapstick, and eat any mints that might be left from the previous days' rampage?
How is it that my child, who thinks the world is their canvas, (I actually have a couple of these) continue to find the "hidden" red, blue or black markers? Which by the way, are not washable off most surfaces! This child also finds new places to create their "masterpiece". Many days I think they aspire to become a tattoo artist!
Why does my child leave their clothing on the bathroom floor, daily, and when I ask if the clothing belongs to them, they say no they didn't buy them! Well honey, its a good thing you didn't because if being clothed depended on your bank account, you'd be considered a streaker!
Lastly, why on earth would I ever dream I would be able to complete a meal or a drink without sharing!! (four times, otherwise it's not fair)
At the end of the day, when it is all said and done and the little culprits are asleep, I am thankful that can talk, walk or rather run, write, sing, dance, eat (yes, even my food, keeps me thin) and that they are happy, healthy, and sometimes naughty(otherwise they wouldn't need me) because that means I am blessed~


TRC Rockers said…
I'm scheduling Richard's vasectomy class right NOW ! ! ! LOL Just be glad they don't behave like that when they're with others. I've never seen that side of them so you must be doing something right!

P.S. I know who the chapstick culprit is, hee hee!
Kim said…
LOL~ it's really not that bad. They say its better that you kids behave for others rather than for you, because you can fix the problem. thanks for the compliment, let's just hope it last until they leave home! I am sure everyone can figure out the chapstick thief, especially when that is all they ask for every birthday!
Melissa said…
Wow, I thought you lived at my house for a minute! Ah the life of a full time mom. And you are doing a great job with your kids; want four more? lol
It's because kids are annoying. When they're infants all they do is cry, eat, and sleep. When they're toddlers they talk, scream, cry, eat and sleep. Then when they're teenagers you have to worry about one of them not getting pregnant or not doing drugs, ect...You don't have much time with your husband once the kids come, you always have to get a babysitter if you want 'just the two of you' to be alone. And people say that childfree couples by choice are selfish?? No, they just don't want to deal with brats their whole lives.
Kim said…
Melissa, thank you! and you know I'd take your kids in an heart beat, but you are a fabulous mommy and they'd miss you for sure.

Dear "somebody you don't know": first, I am thankful I don't know you! second, you must be a very lonely confused person. third, you must have been one of those brats, because you usually hate the traits in others that you have yourself!!! fourth, you are going to have a sad existence later on in life(if you don't already) when there isn't anyone to be with you in the end. Children are a gift from God, even with all their ups and downs. Lastly, I almost deleted your comment but I wanted others to see that there are still some very ignorant people in the world. So thank you for being an example!
Extremely very well said Kim to somebody you don't know. Obviously Somebody you don't know is ashamed to admit who they are. Another thing about this person is I in all my life have never met a God Fearing husband and wife with children ever been unhappy with their life. Yes maybe to occasionally have alone time you have to find someone to watch your children but it is because of those times that when you do get that chance you treasure it and each other more than if you get everday all day every moment together. And Thank you Kim for not deleting it. This is the kind of parent who takes their child to daycare to leave with somebody who could eventually end up SERIOUSLY INJURING THEIR CHILD OR EVEN KILLING. And yes Somebody you don't know you are selfish because you don't want to take the time to raise kids so they are not brats.
I don't have children nor do I want any so you don't have to worry about me putting a child in daycare where they could be killed (GASP)! I mean you hear about it happening all the time. I don't need a kid to be satisfied/fulfilled/happy with my life. The choice to not have kids requires alot of self awareness and is well thought out. If you really look at it, couples who have kids and aren't financially or emotionally capable of doing so are selfish..."oops, forgot to take the birth control and now I'm pregnant but who cares because we can take advantage of the government system and all the people who DO work can pay for our kids" or, "I'm bored with my marriage so I think I'll have a kid now" and "my marriage sucks so a baby will fix everything". And nope I'm not lonely or confused...I'm married, have several wonderful pets, and almost done with my first degree. People just assume that if a woman doesn't want to breed something MUST be wrong with her. Of course, in order to have a happy family one must have several kids. I don't have to worry about 3am feedings, or my child throwing a tantrum at Wal-Mart, I get to be spontaneous with my husband without having to worry if the kids are around, I get to come home to quiet evenings, I only have to worry about ME getting for work in the morning, I get to have extra sleep time, extra money, extra free time for my hobbies...just a few wonderful things about not having kids. By now I'm sure you're thinking I'm extra rude and extra ignorant but most parents don't have the generosity to stop at "WHAT! I can't believe you don't want kids" they insist that you'll "change your mind" and "you just don't understand how great and wonderful motherhood is". Can't you accept the fact that not all women are maternal? I also think it's funny how people want to be young parents so they'll still have time to travel/do fun stuff with their significant other/whatever once the kids are gone. Wow, if you're already looking forward to your kids being out of the house then WHY on earth would you have any? I just wish some people wouldn't be so subjective and look at it from someone else's point of view.
Kim said…
"sigh" another sad comment from the no named person, too embarrassed to give their name. Most likely because their view of life is only centered around themselves and what they want. Hey, if you don't want kids, fine, but don't call them "brats". Throwing your opinion around and casting judgment on those of us "choose" to have children, is actually quite immature. You have your life, you live it the way you choose to live it, and I will live mine. I won't stoop to your level and belittle you for having several "pets" and all their misbehaviors. You deal with them, I don't! Also, the government doesn't pay me anything for my children anymore than it does your pets!!! You assume that those of us with large families depend on the system, you actually assume a lot of things, like I care whether or not you want to have children. Well I don't, but it must be eating at you, because you have mentioned it a few times. I think you envy those that can love someone besides themselves! Have a great existence!
Tara Walters said…
Wow...i'm not sure what to say. I will start by saying...Go Kim! You're doing better than i would be. Half my comments probably wouldnt be publishable!! You have this person figured out...and if they didnt have any interest in kids...or motherhood, then what are they doing on your blog??!! sad...very sad.
Pam C said…
Kudos to all of you "under privileged, over worked, stressed out, annoyed and just frustrated" moms here (especially Kim & Danielle) My heart goes out to "someone" so I won't comment. Enjoy ALL the stages of life with the little tyrants because it will pass so very quickly. It may not seem like thats possible while they are young but the buggers slip out of our grasps before we realize it. But then comes the reaping years. The joy and love that is in the heart of a GRANDPARENT at seeing or being with our children's children and having that love returned can melt even a hardened heart. Yes my life is uncomplicated most of the time now but I enjoy all the confused, frustrating and wonderful times with all of my babies. Yes Kim your still a baby! I love you.
Kim said…
Tara~ LOL! thanks! and good point, if this "someone" doesn't like kids why are they even wasting their time on my blog? I had to start monitoring my comments because of this person. take care and give those beautiful little girls a hug for me!!!

Mom~ Thanks! Anything good about me and raising my children is because of you and Jesus! (I also have a fabulous Bishop's wife and Pastor's wife who have attributed as well) But knowing you love me and are proud of what I am trying to do with my children really encourages me to keep my chin up even when I don't want to! Life may be crazy here on earth, but our reward is eternal, and I get to take four beautiful souls with me!
Janell said…
Hi Kim!!! Wow, lots of drama on here, EH? (I'm trying to use the Canadian expression, but it's not natural at all! hahaha)
You know, all of this reminded me of an old woman my mom used to care for who was an Olympic star, 6 time gold medalist from Denmark that was totally forgotten.
She died almost at the age of 100, but had her money stolen and had nothing left. There were no children to come see her, and she died in a broken-down hospital with nobody to even care except my mom. They buried her without a headstone because nobody cared to pay for it.
By the time the woman was in her 70s, she regretted things and wished she had kids to love her, but there was nobody.
So, what if she'd had kids? What if she could go back and live her life over again?
Anyway, just interesting! =) and I love your kids! They're adorable!!! (Do your kids really tell you the clothes are not theirs because they didn't buy them? That's hilarious!!)
Kim said…
Nella~ Isn't this crazy?? and very sad as well.
Wow, that is a heart wrenching story about the old woman. She did her thing and then had nothing to show for it. We were created to love and be loved, what better way than to have children, that is how God designed it. There are many that can't have children and would love to for this very reason, to love them. To give of themselves and be loved in return.
As to the clothing story, yes, all the stories are true. My children think way too much!!! love ya!
TRC Rockers said…
WOW! Now I know what Kari was talking about. My blog will now become private. Thanks to "someone" I'm glad I don't know!!!!
James Wilder said…
I thank God for couples that decided to have children. They had just a little influence to me being here today.
James Wilder said…
Materialistic world breeds materialistic people. Since when does lack of stuff have anything to do with children and family? The testimonies from the Philippines showed us that happiness has nothing to do with STUFF.

There's more scripture in support of couples having children, than there are of being "responsible and unselfish" and not having children.

Get your head out of the sand. Don't drink the post-modern kool-aid.

Kim, I think you broke this down pretty well. It's one thing for someone to prefer not to have children, but something altogether for them to have anger at those who do. It's a telling sign.
Kim said…
James~ thanks! now you are preaching, (and doing a great job of it, might I add)
Stephanie said…
You don't know me either, but my husband and I struggled with infertility for many years. We had the money, I am working on my second degree, but still no baby. Finally,by the grace of God, we had a little boy that we cherish. I thanked God every time I had morning sickness. (it meant my hormones were working) I now thank God every time my boy wakes up in the night. He will only be little and need me for a short time. Then I will be old and I will need him. Children are a joy. I find humor in everything my boy does. We are providing him with a loving home so that he won't be a brat. I feel sorry for "someone". I think everyone should experience the joy that a child can give...Great Blog!
Kim said…
Stephanie! though I don't know you, my heart goes out to you. I'm glad you didn't give up. What a great reward! It is possible to have a family and pursue your dreams too. God Bless you and your family. Thanks for stopping by.
Rachel R said…
Anon, it's a wonder your parents didn't have the same opinion as you. Imagine if they had, you wouldn't even be here today to share all of your wisdom! Hmmm...

Kim - good post, and good responses ;o)
None said…
I didn't want to leave the wrong impression. Don't get me wrong, I eventually would like to "settle down" & have my own rugrats. But, I'm not going to marry the first one that walks by! LoL

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