Greetings from the Great Northwest!

Since the last time I blogged, many things have happened. I will condense the last few months into a couple paragraphs. To answer the ultimate question of where I am, I am in Wenatchee, Wa. Where in the world is that you ask? Smack in the middle of Washington, two hours from Spokane and two hours from Seattle. (Look on a map if you don't believe me). Next question, Why are you there? The answer is simple: God. Oh, there other little reasons, but it would take a book to explain. Last, How long will you be there? The answer: God knows! Sorry, can't be any simpler than that.
My husband, through much prayer and starvation fasting, informed me on June 25th, that we would be moving to Wenatchee, Wa. the following weekend. So, with the wonderful help of friends and family, we packed our house, four children, and left on July 3rd, to a place my husband had not even been to. He arrived on July 4th, while I took about a week and a half and went to my parents with our kids. He got us settled and began working with my brother during that time, while I spent time with my parents, and quite honestly, tried to process what just happened. I am just beginning to believe I am here! The first couple weeks, I was in a fog. I lived in California my entire life, and I was at the best church in the world for the last almost fourteen years, so to leave was, for lack of a better word, difficult. But if you know anything about God, you know he loves you and will not ever forsake you. So, He, in all his wisdom, gave us a wonderful church here to be a part of and hopefully in turn be an asset to. My children are very happy, they love the church, they love the city, and they love being with family. My husband likes to call us "Rock Church saints at large."
My home will always be Sacramento, specifically The Rock Church, but I know he has a plan for us here, and I am excited to see what God is going to unfold in our lives. I am ready to see souls saved and our church filled! Isn't that what it is all about?
So now you know, where I am, why I'm here, but I really can't tell you how long. At least long enough to make a difference in this city I hope!


Ruth said…
I'm sorry I did not get a chance to say Good-Bye! We will miss you and your family but are comforted knowing you are in good hands :)
Anonymous said…
Kim, I too am sorry I did not get a chance to say goodbye to you. I had been wondering what happened to you all. I've missed seeing your kind face at The Rock. You were one of the first people to introduce yourself to us when we first began attending here. Hope you all are adjusting well in your new home. Love you! Karen

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