That is exactly how I feel about my blog right now! Nothing exciting is happening. At least if there is something going on I am blind to it. I have no profound thoughts (but then again, do I ever?), no new news, I haven't been anywhere unusual, my kids are normal (for the time being), and since the last ordeal with the mysterious person posting not so kind comments on my blog, I feel as though my bubble has been burst. Back to reality! I am a little nervous posting pictures of my kids, telling cute/funny stories, or just being free to post what is on my mind. I can't seem to figure out how to block my blog from people like that without blocking out others who are just curious, or friends from the past who happen upon my blog. I love having my blog, it is a little outlet for me. Maybe it is being a proud mommy or maybe it is a way to connect with other mommies, and relating to each other. Has this happened to anyone else? Why do I feel that a bit of freedom has been taken from me?
hope to hear from you soon.