
Showing posts from August, 2011

My Amazing God!

My God is faithful! Tonight, a dear friend of mine and former neighbor, Jasmine, received the Holy Ghost. I am so excited to see the Power of God at work in her and fiance's lives. Down at the altar my little Ashley joined us in praying for Jasmine. It was so precious watching her talk to Jesus. Then, after a time, she buried her head and was praying. I leaned down and realized she was trembling and crying. I pulled her up gently and asked her if she wanted the Holy Ghost. She said yes, so I told her to raise her hands and within moments the Holy Ghost swept over her. Thank you, Jesus! I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth   III John v.4

Elle and Ashley's Art Project

We were inspired by an art project we saw on my friend, Misha's blog. So tonight we decided to create. The girls helped organize the crayons and place them on the canvas while I glued. Then we took to the deck, propped up the canvas and began to melt the crayons with the blow dryer. Elle was a little nervous, she was afraid the melted crayon was going to splash on her and burn. This, fortunately never happened :). Ashley on the other hand, was trying to get as close as she could so she could smell the crayons. She also wanted to see them drip. Levi popped by to help for a minute then was off. Here are a few pics of our project: In all, this was quite fun and rewarding! 

Knowledge is Power!

And my avenue for gaining power is mostly through READING!! I LOVE to read! I will go on reading binges where I can read for hours. I call it a reading marathon and I'm the only contestant :). So of course, I come out the winner! Thankfully, my children have inherited this same passion (well one of them has latent passion, soon to be discovered I hope). We go to the library as often as we can, everyone except for Ashley has a library card. My rule: You read, you get a card, well, she doesn't read yet (not well enough anyhow). However, that rule is motivating her to focus on learning how to read. She knows as soon as she can read (alone) to me, she gets to sign up for her very own library card! Ahh the fortune! Until then she uses mine, just not the same, it doesn't have her name on it :).  With the passion for reading comes the desire to share. So may I recommend a few of my favorites? Currently, I am reading The Holy Bible , When Ye Fast (Joy Haney), Shades of Blue (Ka...

Just a thought...

I remember when I would come home from church, after an amazing altar call, and would lay my head on my pillow knowing, assuredly my soul was saved. Thankfully, this is not just a memory but a reality.

Grow where you are planted!

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote these words, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Eccl. 3:1. If you have ever done any planting or gardening, you know that particular fruits, veggies and flowers grow at specific times of the year. Each of those also have preferences to where they are planted, the soil they are in and how much sun and water they need. I often liken my life to a plant. Sounds funny, I know, but it keeps me from going insane with all the changes that take place. Born and raised in California, it was culture shock for me when we moved to Washington. At that point, I was now a transplant learning to adjust to new soil and environmental conditions. Thankfully, my Master Gardener, put people in my life to cultivate and prepare me for such transitions before my move and then after. I learned that there are seasons in my life where I will sprout, grow, grow, grow and then maintain. Ho...