Different State, Different Rules! UGH!!
The first day of school is approaching rapidly, though not rapidly enough for me! We left California in July, but school was out the end of May. Washington is a little different, we start school in September here. This makes for a very llllooooonnnngggg summer! Great for kids, not so great for mom's who have exhausted their resources in the entertainment department. September first, Levi, Myles, and Elle will go back to school! *whoo hoo, jumping up and down*. However, there is a definite glitch in the Washington State School system! (Do you hear me all you school district officials?) Their cut off date for kindergarten is August 31st. This would be fine except my sweet little almost 5 year old, who asked for a backpack to go to school on her FOURTH birthday, won't be 5 until 8 days after school begins! How do you tactfully tell your child, who is obviously ready for school, that she has to wait one more YEAR? So to all you School District Officials, that read my blog, though ...