Day #19 "Something I dislike"

Yeah, I know, the list says "something I hate" but hate is too strong of a word to throw out randomly. I try not to use it and encourage my kids to be careful how they use the word hate. Therefore, my picture today is of something I dislike to do:

Yep, you got it! Laundry! Now, I don't mind washing it. But the whole folding it and putting it away, *sigh*, takes forever it seems. Especially, when you have six people changing their clothes every day! But now I've gotten wiser, I've been teaching my children how to fold and put has become one of their chores...and you know what? It hasn't hurt them one bit! :)


Bettina said…
I know how you feel!!!!!!! Lol!! We are trying to give it as a chore... Just hadn't quite conquered it yet!
Tena said…
Yay for you, Kim! My boys each were doing their own laundry by age twelve. :-)
Kim said…
Bettina~ keep up the good work, it'll pay off :)

Tena~ that's my goal. I want them to be able to run their own household. One day they won't live with me. Thanks! (And you have awesome boys)

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