Day #16 "Something New"
This is such a sad, sad post...:(...I have something new, still in it's box, untouched...AND I'VE HAD IT FOR A MONTH!!! Ergh! I find that very frustrating because I want to open it up, use it and create! Unfortunately, I haven't had time. I am currently in my last two terms of school. Actually, to be more specific, I am in week 6 of 10, in winter term and I only have ONE more term before I graduate! While that is SO exciting, it is also a HUGE time sucker! But here is my "new" toy:
Besides dreaming about being someplace warmer, like Arizona, I've also been dreaming up all kinds of things I want to make my girls. OK, OK, I've also been dreaming about making me some clothes too. In fact, just last night I found a really cool website. Uh huh, I'll be going back!