Day #11 "Makes You Happy"

This is very, very hard! I cannot choose just one thing that makes me happy. First and foremost, knowing I am saved and I am a child of God, makes me very happy. Then the list goes family, my friends, church, the word of God, babies, coffee, chocolate, flowers, animals, little sweet notes from my children, unexpected kisses and hugs from my children, the fact that my husband makes the bed for me every morning, oh man, I could go on and on. So I am just going to post a few pictures of only SOME of the things/people that make me happy.

I LOVE MY FAMILY! Being with them makes me the happiest!

Babies are wonderful, especially this cute little one!

Comedy act in motion! Love these boys!

*Sigh* My babies! My whole world!

LOVE this man!


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