So you've been waiting....

patiently and not so patiently...hehehe :). As I stated before, I am not pregnant, and especially not with TWINS!!! lol! I love all the comments I've been getting. Now let me preface by saying, you may not be as excited as I am, but it will make you smile to know that I am happy. (I think, I hope we are good enough friends for that).
So now for the big news...My cousin, my friend, my kids' second mother, etc.. IS MOVING BACK TO CALIFORNIA!!!!! Yes, you read it right, Stacie~Lynne Abigayle Wyatt will be here in less than a month, and for good! I am so happy, my heart is doing flip-flops upon flip-flops (my body would join if it wasn't so old).
I have been in California my entire life, and most all my family started out living here too. However, over a period of about two years, they all left! So, about four years ago, my dear cousin, Clayton, came back and lived with us until he got married a few months ago. Now my uncle is here, and my aunt Sherry and Stacie are on their way! (Ummm...can the rest of the clan take a hint!!!)


TRC Rockers said…
For those of you that don't know Stacey let me tell you, this is the BEST news ever!! I was informed that the church would be down to one Sunday school bus driver because Bro. Wyatt (Kim's uncle) was moving back home. I was so disappointed because STACEY ROCKS!!! Thank you for sharing Kim, I am super excited too.
Fox & Willow said…
Aaaww...Kim AND Jessica, you guys made my day! :) And put a big smile on my face. I'm so excited and I can't wait to see all of my California friends and family, you all are AWESOME!!!! Love you.
Ruth said…
Oh Goody! I had a chance to visit with Stacie and her mom while in Arkansas and we had so much fun together! Looking forward to getting to know them better!
Unknown said…
I'll be there in a heartbeat! How fun for you all. Great news.
Cynthia said…
So you go to church with Sam Hassass? If so that is like wow! I loved the photos he took with the blue bus. I think it is so commendable to get up early and compell the to come to church. Makes my heart wiggle. Have you ever been to FPC? If so we may have met. I do a lot of the photography for the church. BTW who is your Pastor? I guess I could look it up. We like having church around our church, running the isle, dancing etc. It gets over the top someitmes with such annointing. It is great to hear what I can about your church. I've been to San Diego once. My dream is to book a wedding in Cali but who couldn't pass up Hassass. Maybe one of these days he'll hear about me and let me tag along. I contacted him once and he was very nice. Take Care, Cynthia, mother of 2 babies, age 6! and age 11! LOL!!
Kim said…
Jessica~ Yep, Stacie's a "Rocker"

Lisa~ You will love my aunt, I'm a lot like her, and you love me :)

Aunt Paula~ is that you? If so, hurry up and get here!

Cynthia~ No, Sam Hassas goes to the San Jose church and I am at The Rock church in Sac. But I see him occasionally because we seem to have many weddings! Him and his family also attend our annual conference, No Limits, so we see them then. If I get the chance I'll put in a good word for you :) Is FPC in Little Rock? Is your pastor Bro. Holmes? If so, that is where my cousin Stacie is right now. I've never been to Arkansas, but I do want to visit. My mom went out there a couple years ago, so you may have met her. Thanks for stopping by! Take care!

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