Kreativ Blogger Award!


Today I received a nomination for the Kreativ Blogger award from Mary Ginty on Classic Mary Moments. If you haven't been to her blog, you are missing out, check it out here: She is hilarious, insightful, inspiring, delightful, and I could go on. What is funny, is I've never even met her. But it doesn't matter, I feel like I know her. And one day soon, I hope to meet her in person. If what I've read from her blog is true (and I am sure it is), she is one AWESOME lady! Of course, I had to go to her blog to figure out what I was supposed to do with this nomination. Most of the time my blog is about my kids or other things happening in their life. This time I get to talk about myself! I am so excited! Lol! 
  1. My hair is Naturally Curly...despite the rumors that circulated when I was a child, my mom never permed my hair. When I was around 12 my hair changed and became very curly. There were those that thought my mom was secretly perming my hair. NOT! And since then it's never been permed, it's God given!
  2. I received the Holy Ghost at the tender age of six...under the sound of my great-grandmother, Oma Ellis' preaching. Isn't that incredible? And I remember who was praying with me, my mom and a lady whom I call Aunt Kathy (though she really isn't my aunt). So that means I've had the Holy Ghost almost 29 years!
  3. So, for something carnal...I went to modeling school at Mannequin Manor before my mom got back in church. I was about 4 or 5, and Thank God I was saved from the clutches of that world!
  4. I was raised by a single mother from the age of 5 until 15...and she is my hero! At age fifteen, God blessed me with the most wonderful stepfather, whom I lovingly call "Dad" (or sometimes "Daddy").
  5. My two favorite cities are Portland, Or. and Seattle, Wa. I have even been to Hawaii, which is beautiful, but I could never live there, I would feel trapped! I love, love, love the color green, and the farther north you get, the greener it gets!
  6. After 13 years out of school, I went back last become a speech therapist! I have a while yet to go because my first ministry is my family. I am chipping away a little at a time. By the way, I love school too! I also want to do photography, we'll see.
  7. I love many things but my two favorite pastimes are reading and thrifting. Reading is learning, and I love to learn. Thrifting is relaxing and fun. I love to find a bargain, I love vintage, and I love things that others don't have. 
I nominate:

  1. Danielle and Jacob, Judah, and Kaleigh Lou!
  2. Stacie~Lynne
  3. Janell
  4. Denise
  5. Kaylie
  6. Stephanie
  7. Leila
Ok, thanks to my new blogger friend, Cynthia, I was able to link my nominees to their blogs! Can I get a shout out to Cynthia? If you click on her name you'll see some really cool pics! Awww...the eye of the photographer! Incredible! Thanks again, Cynthia.


Cynthia said…
I linked over to you from Kaylie Long's blog. I loved all the interesting things you had to say about yourself. You sound like a barrel full of fun! I don't know it all but you copy Kaylie's URL, for example,, type just her name in the blog post, then highlight it, click on the link symbol in the top left ( looks like a paper clip) paste the URL in the box and whala! you have a link to her blog. Hope that works for you. I'm headed back to your blog, see ya!
Mary Frances said…
WOW!!! Thank you soooo much for all the incredibly kind words!!! They made my day! :)
Kim said…
Cynthia~ Thanks! I'll try it. I am not computer savvy, but I love having a blog. Thanks for the compliment too! I enjoy life, and live for the moment!

Mary~ You are welcome, thanks for the fun blog was so self- centered, I loved it! LOL!

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