I am sooo HAPPY!!!!

I can't say exactly why yet, but in the week to come, I will reveal.....


TRC Rockers said…
"Congratulations!! When are you due?"

LOL, sorry but you know someone had to say it!
Kim said…
Happy would not be the word of choice if that were the "good news"
Anonymous said…
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Fox & Willow said…
Now I'm very, very curious.
Ruth said…
Do we get 20 guesses? and if we're right will you tell us?

Good one Jessica ;)
Kim said…
Guess away....Jessica already tried and was partly correct, and I told her. But there is more....lol! :)
Melissa said…
Well then, we are happy for you! Can I guess?
Kim said…
yes, yes, yes, you may guess! hehehe...
I cant stand it!!! what is it?!!
LOL this is hilarious, good job Kim you figured out a way to keep every one on their toes. I am excited too, for this weekend and in 3 weeks we will be at a well desired place. I can't wait.
Kim said…
Stephanie...couple more days...:)
Danielle~ you got the picture!
Mary Frances said…
OMW!!! Dying to know...all I can think of is like TWINS!!! Cause I mean, what else if your already married?!?! LOL
Shirlena said…
I'm with you Stephanie. Ok Kim it's been a week. PLEASE TELL US THIS GREAT NEWS. lol

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