Interesting comment regarding Earth Day

Today when I checked my email, I found a comment left for my blog, and this is how it read:
Very cute! (the skirt that is)

But why would we want to observe a day that was started by a killer? And furthermore is observed by tree huggers and mother earth worshippers?

I am "The Heretic"
and I approve this message.

When I clicked on the blog link, it was private, so I have no idea who this is. But instead of responding, I decided to see if there was some truth to what they said. This is what I found out about Earth Day: click here.
This will take you to another blog with some information, and if you click here it will take you to Wikipedia. No where did I read anything about it being "started by a killer" and if you find this information, will you please inform me? And as far as the statement that it "is observed by tree huggers and mother earth worshippers", what do you think?
My philosophy is that you clean up what you mess up, use only what you need, take care of what you have, and be courteous to others and the world you live in. I teach my children to throw their garbage away, and we recycle cans and bottles. I also use reusable bags when I shop. Does this make me a mother earth worshipper? I thought that was common sense. In anything you can go too far, but I don't consider myself a "tree hugger" for observing Earth Day. I do know that my bible tells me in Genesis, that the Creator lovingly, skillfully created this earth for us, and I feel it is my obligation or rather privilege to play my part in taking care of it. So share your thoughts, comments, feelings, or anything. I'd love to hear!


. said…
Kim, I can see this is going to be fun. because you know who I am but then you don't????
Ira Einhorn is the Earth Day founder.

I am "The Heretic"
and I approve this message

ps it shouldn't be too hard to find out who I am.
. said…
Oh and sorry about calling you a tree hugger/ Earth worshipper...
Thats just me being me. I'll repent on Tuesday night.

I am "The Heretic"
and I approve this message

ps when you find out who this is, don't pull my covers, ok? I like this name...
Kim said…
hummm...the someone that I know that I may not know, strikes again! lol!
Forgiveness is extended to you for implying that I am a tree hugger/earth worshipper. However, you may want to do a little more research regarding the so called "founder" of Earth Day. Wikipedia is not sound doctrine but you can establish fact from fiction at the website. According to Wikipedia, "He also claimed to have been instrumental in creating Earth Day in 1970, and claimed that during the first Earth Day event, he was on stage as master of ceremonies, although other event organizers dispute his account, including a rebuttal during testimony in Einhorn's murder trial." Anyone can claim to be something, but there are no witnesses to his claim!
You're secret is safe with me, I don't have a clue who you are!
. said…
Of course I checked Wikipedia, but I mean come on, sounds better my way right?

I am "the never mind

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