Earth Day!

There are many ways to celebrate Earth Day! If you hop on over to my dear friend, Javawn's blog, you will read one way in which to recycle or reuse what we already have here. I took her advice recently and made a skirt for Elle. I am still working on it, because I want to find something cute to add to it. But I found a pair of little girls jeans (at a thrift store) and some chiffon (I think) fabric (at the same thrift store) and put them together. So what do you think? Mind you, it isn't finished....


. said…
Very cute! (the skirt that is)

But why would we want to observe a day that was started by a killer? And furthermore is observed by tree huggers and mother earth worshippers?

I am "The Heretic"
and I approve this message.
The Rockers said…
OOOH! NICE! It's denim with a bit of attitude.

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