"We are writing a book, Mom!"

Writing has always been a passion of mine. In fact, an English professor, who also gave me a letter of recommendation, told me that I should go into the field of journalism. But I am completely aware of the fact that I am not the perfect writer. However, over the years, after a few English/writing classes, I have learned enough to express my thoughts well enough to be understood. Proper sentence structure, grammatical errors and run-on sentences seem to scream to me from the pages. This is one of the "pet-peeves" I have when it comes to online learning. Peers in my college courses type their posts as if they are texting. Extremely informal and cryptic. Now I don't mind so much when people do abbreviated texting, as my dear husband is very much known to do, for example: "wen u b home?" Sigh, I have just learned to respond and go on. Or those of us on Twitter, trying to condense our thoughts, which could span the universe, into 140 characters! Really, twitter-person?? Whoever created Twitter, you are so limiting my expressive, creative nature! Anytime you express yourself in a public forum, whether it is print or online, it should be legible enough that those of us reading your work understand what you are trying to convey. Hence, the reason sentence structure, paragraphs and punctuation were created. Of course, there will be errors. We are human. I have read books and articles by professors that have had an occasional error. This is why last night was so important for my kids. To understand how to express themselves but do it in a way that others can enjoy.

When I got home from class last night, Myles and Elle informed me that they were working on a book. Oh boy! This was quite a surprise! I was certainly impressed with their initiative. I read what they had written thus far, and it had factual and not so factual information. I think they got some of their thoughts twisted. Nevertheless, it was a terrific start. They typed it up in notepad. I am not sure why because we have MS word, which corrects spelling and sentence structure. So, I told them I would teach them how to use word and how to properly structure their writing. When we have a legible paper, clearly written, I will share. For now, I will tell you, it is about our trip last summer to Arizona. Hmm...and maybe one day we will publish it! :)


Tena said…
I am placing my order now for a copy of that book. :-)
Kim said…
Thank you! And you shall receive a personalized version! Btw, Elle is already on chapter 7, before revisions of course.

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