So which one of my kids look like me???

My friend, Yvonne, told me it was my turn to post baby pics. OK, so here it goes, this one is me at 6 months old. When I can figure out what is going on with my pictures, I have two more I will post!

ok, here is one of me at 5 with my brother, Like the Farrah Fawcett hair do? My mom just got back in church so therefore I still had bangs.

Now here is one of me at ten, with a Gunny Sax dress on that my mom made! I think I wore this one every other Sunday night! The hair is the best though, can't you tell I am pentecostal?


Well the first pic it looks quite a bit like Ashley, second I am not sure but I know that adorable baby boy looks like Judah, and the last picture definitely Elle. Well I take that back the second one looks a little like Elle too.
Kim said…
I think you are right! Ashley looks like my baby pictures, then after about age 2, Elle looks like me. Agh! I miss my boys so much, only 23 more days till I get to see them.
TRC Rockers said…
There is no arguing that you are your mother's spitting image and Elle is yours. As for the rest . . .Ashley is Ronnie all the way. . .Myles is a combo and Levi is anyone's guesss! One thing's for sure, they're all super cute!!!
Melissa said…
Cute pics, Kim. The hair in the last one is definitely Pentecostal circa 80's lol. I have some with equally telling hairdos!
Vonney said…
HAha! Wow! (: Hairdos aside though, Elle sure does look like you! Where's Ronnie's pics??? lol
Rachel R said…
Oh wow... I just got a flashback from the past seeing that Gunny Sax dress. I remember my older sister had one, but I never got one and I was SO jealous. LOL!
Kim said…
Yvonne, I am gonna post them today!

Rachel, thankfully I was the only girl at the time of the Gunny Sax, we would go to San Fran and get them from the outlet, did you ever go there?
Kari Morgan said…
Oh my word, the first pic looks like Elle but you were a bit chubbier I think! You were adorable! I think Ashley Jean is Ronnie made over...the boys are great combos. ALL of them are beautiful-couldn't be cuter if you picked them from a catalog!
This last picture is TDF. Did you use perm rods or what? I remember once, rolling my hair in red (the smallest) perm rods during the summer and LEAVING THEM IN MY HAIR FOR THREE DAYS!!! When I took them out, my waistlength hair was above my shoulders! I donned my favorite gunny sax and went to church. My dad immediately sent me home to wash my hair. I was about 13. OMW what a dork.
Kim said…
Kari, I am ROTFL!!! I don't remember what my mom used in my hair, but I remember thinking I was something else! Thanks for the compliment, I think if I ordered them from a catalog I wouldn't have got what God wanted me to have, callused knees!!!
Rachel R said…
Never went to the outlets in SF since I grew up miles away in Canada... but it would have been the treat of a lifetime back then! haha :o)

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