
Showing posts from July, 2012

A Repost From Another Blog...

No worries, though, I am the author of this post. Therefore, it is perfectly legit. What some of you may not know is that I am one of four authors on a blog titled In God We Trust . This particular blog post was dated July 21, 2011. Unfortunately, I am not as active as I would like to be but I plan on participating more. In this blog post, I give a brief account of how God used our family to bring salvation to another an interesting way. Here is the original publication, in the end, I will provide a few more details: Have you ever watched scripture fulfilled right before your eyes? Likely, you have heard the verses from Luke chapter 11 many times. 9) And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10)For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Just recently, this very thing happened in my life. We moved to Oregon in February of th...

An (abbreviated) Update...

We have been praying for a while now for God's direction in our life. Well, um...pretty much my whole life I've prayed that but not always did I follow. We moved from California to Washington in 2010. It was a quick decision and much needed for that time. Then it came time to move on due to lack of job. My husband was offered a job here in Oregon and we knew we had friends here and they had a church. (Most of my readers know the story). To keep things brief, we have been praying for God to lead us where He wants us. If He wanted us here, then here we would stay. If He wanted us in Africa, well then I would probably pray very hard that I was imagining things..just kidding...we would go! It has been quite the experience, however, to watch God open doors. When He does the moving, you know it! We know without a doubt what direction He is leading us...and we will follow. I believe it is in our best interest to follow and not hinder the will of God, don't you think?? We know not ...

July?? Already?

Goodness, this summer is going by WAY too fast! There are still so many things I want to do, as usual! I have come to the conclusion that life just does not unfold neatly and smoothly for me. Nope, my life happens to unfold like a bag of microwave popcorn! Yes, you know how it rolls...gentle little pops here and there for about a minute...THEN BAM!!! Every stinkin' kernel explodes and I am running around trying to contain the mess! Taxing, I tell you, very taxing! But I believe I have grown so accustomed to that explosive, ever-changing life that when things are just popping here and there, I'm bored. HA! Strange, I know! Anyhow, as our life takes yet another turn (POP!), I know that God is in control. He always is! I may not understand the whys or the hows, but I really don't need to when I have absolute trust in Him. As the next few weeks progress, I will update you. I can only give you information that I have so you will have to be patient along with me. So, to appeal ...