
Showing posts from May, 2012

No One Can Touch You Like...

Jesus can. An old song we used to sing in church...  Lately, life has taken some interesting turns. Not all bad, not all good...just turns. I haven't felt like blogging. Usually blogging is rather cathartic, but not right now. I think I have been overwhelmed. It will be fine in the end. Why do I know that, you ask? Because my God has it all worked out. He's never forsaken me and He doesn't plan to. Yeah, I'm that confident. Back to the came to me the other night. A few weeks ago, I experienced something I haven't experienced in a long time. I extended my heart to someone, voiced my love for them and in return I received...nothing. Yep, that's right, I told someone dear to me that I loved them (for the record, I truly do, that hasn't changed) yet, it wasn't reciprocated. This may not be a big deal to some, but for me it was. It hurt. Bottom line. I felt childish for thinking so, but it took me back to the time when I realized that my bio...

Welcome Back!!

So, where have you been?? Did you fall off the planet? I sure have missed you! Ha! Just Kidding, it's me again...yes, I am back. I can't truly say I am ready to plunge in and blog again but I am here now. My apologies for my absenteeism, life has a way of being distracting. UGH! It definitely is not that I don't have ANYTHING to blog about, certainly not! My life is chalk full of stories! Unfortunately, the stories do not stay in rhythm with time, time is always shorter. Another pain of life! If only I could freeze time, oh the things I could do, oh the places I could go , hey...that's a great book, by the way, Dr. Suess is A-MAZING! Enough rambling, on to my kiddos, my favorite subject! Dr. Suess has nothing on me and the stories I can tell! In fact, I am thinking about authoring a book, yeah I know, that's random but true. Another post, though, sorry. Soooo, back to my kids. Recently, we had school conferences. Of course, I heard all the wonderful and um, no...