
Showing posts from December, 2011


Oh how I love thee 2012! I have no idea what you will bring but I am up for the challenge. I am certain there will be many changes this year. I am okay with that, even the not-so-good changes. Why? Because I know WHO holds my hand. There is not an inkling of a doubt in my mind that whatever happens this year, God doesn't already know and have completely planned out. And I trust Him! He knows what I need better than me. What a blessed assurance! I have such a peace about this coming year. In fact, just today I was listening (well, my girls were listening and I heard it) to a Francesca Battistelli song, and the words hit me. These were the words I heard: I’m letting go Of the life I planned for me And my dreams I’m losing control Of my destiny It feels like I’m falling and that’s what it’s like to believe So I’m letting go This is a giant leap of faith Trusting and trying to embrace The fear of the unknown Beyond my comfort zone As I listened, my mind swirled. Wow! T...

Christmas Day!

As excited I was for Christmas to be here, I am equally excited that it is over. Sounds strange, huh? Well, honestly, I love the New Year, every year! I love a fresh start, clean slate and schedules!!! I thrive on schedules! I am very ready for my kids to return to school and get back into routine. So this will be the last reflecting post of Christmas and all it's happenings for the year. It will mostly include pictures with a short summary describing the picture. Sorry, but I am ready to move on. Christmas was wonderful but it's done! The first few pictures are from Christmas morning:  Myles reading the Christmas story... Levi reading the Christmas story...  Elle and Ashley and their American girl dolls they have wanted forever! Christmas evening we spent with my parents' pastor and his family, the Goodwins. Also there were the Whitleys, Smiths and Bro. Scott. It was quite fun. We ate, talked, ate a little more, laughed, ate a little more, played a game and probab...

Christmas Eve

Alright so I'm going back a few days, but I was not home and was unable to blog. Well, I could have blogged but 1. I wasn't feeling well 2. There was so much going on 3. I was lazy, bam! that's it in a nutshell. Oh, but we had a wonderful time at my parents house! Thursday and Friday, we spent most of the time either shopping for Christmas (dinner and a few gifts) or preparing for Christmas (food, wrapping presents,etc.). My awesome Aunt Paula sent us a gift card for pizza, so Christmas eve was a no brainer! Can we give a shout out to Aunt Paula?? Whoo Hoo!!! She totally knows what we (we?, my mom really) goes through each year at Thanksgiving and Christmas. So Christmas eve morning, my sweet boys and their papa took a trip out to the bay to go crabbing. Due to the generosity of the Whitleys, who are friends of ours (my parents), my boys and my dad had an awesome day on the boat! Levi and Myles came home so excited, not only did they catch 16 crabs, they had the opportuni...

Reunited....well, almost.

These past few days, my beautiful children were absentee. Meaning, they were not with me. They have been down in Coos Bay, Oregon with my parents, and I will add, having the time of their life! Ronnie and I have had a wonderful time too! He took me for Thai food for the very first time and I am in love! Well, with him and the food :). It has been unusually quiet around here but I am ready for my rambunctious, energy-filled children to come home. And I am very ready to go to my parents! In a few seconds here, I will post a few pictures from their beach escapade. I had to laugh when I saw the pictures because I can tell my girls dressed themselves. For that matter, so did my boys (but those of you with boys know that they can care-less what they wear!). They are still learning what goes together and what doesn't, and quite frankly I think it's great! There are far greater worries in my life than to fret over their clothing (or hairdos). I am not going to stop here and justify a...

Mary's Mother

Year after year, I read the Christmas story. And every year I wonder the same thing, what was so unique and special about Mary, that she was chosen above every other girl? The bible tells us in Luke chapter 1 verse 28, “And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” Mary, was “highly favoured” and “blessed…among women.” Many scholars have concluded that Mary was also quite young, another astonishing thought considering what she was about to go through. As a little girl, I would dream of what it would be like if an angel appeared in front of me with a message from God. My great-grandmother had several encounters with angels, so I grew up knowing that it was entirely possible. But alas, it never happened. As I became a young woman, and the whole Christmas story took on a new meaning when I realized what Mary actually went through, I had a new appreciation for her. Here she was, engaged to be married...

Happy, 6 days before Christmas, Monday Morning!

Wow! this weekend has been busy! Really, that's an understatement! It's been crazy-busy! I could back up to Friday, which was the kids' last day of school, and give you a run down of that day but I'll just say it was one very fun yet a tad bit stressful day. However, we made it through. Saturday, we spent the majority of the day at the church preparing for the Children's Musical, "It All Happened in the Country". Between dialing in parts, tightening up songs and decorating the church, we finally got out of there around 6 pm. My sweet, sweet parents came up to be a support and of course, see their grandkids perform. So came Sunday! Now, I will pause here to admit that I was a bundle of nerves! I'm not sure if I actually slept the night before or not. You see, as I stated before, this was the very first time I ever directed a musical. I do not know why I was so worried, because the kids blew us away! Seriously, they were incredible! I would love to post ...

Kicking into High Gear

School is done...for the quarter! Phew! Christmas is upon us, and we are in the last few days of practice for the Children's Christmas Musical. As much as I am excited, I will be thankful when all is said and done! This is the very first time I have EVER done a musical. Or rather, directed a musical. I've been the parent of a child/ren in the performance, a support, costume coordinator and whatever other job that needed done. Thankfully, I have a great group of parents and fellow church members that have stepped up to make this happen. Honestly, I wanted to quit a few times, but I know the kids are relying on me. In addition, the support I have had made ALL the difference. That being said, the next few days will be harry-scary, what that means for you is, #1. I may not have a chance to blog (I will try to sneak in a week wrap-up post), #2. Pray for us, and #3. Really, really pray for us! Thanks, much obliged! Here are a couple pics from the weekend. Levi and Devante Bro. Mat...

I blog, therefore I am...not!

My apologies. It has been a little quiet on the set. Not that I do not have a b-zillion (Ashley's word) things I can blog about since my life seems to live on the spin cycle, but unfortunately I haven't had time to think. When I blog or write a blog rather, it takes time. Not always but most of the time. I don't like to throw words on paper randomly. A long time ago, I learned, like the words we say, the words we write cannot be erased. Especially, once published. For today, I will just highlight a few things that are happening. Once Christmas break begins, I will have a bit more time to focus and hopefully give you a proper post. On Saturday (10th), Elle will partake in her very first violin recital. This will be in the form of a holiday musical performance involving all string instrument players from Voices of Performing Arts . She is a little nervous as she has only been playing a short time. But her teacher wants her to challenge herself. Thankfully, Elle also played ...

Hodge Podge Sorta Day!

Right now I am supposed to be taking a quiz for my math class. Am I? Nope, I'm blogging! Reading, writing a little, navigating and pretty much, wasting time. I am almost done with school for the quarter. All I have left are my quiz and final for math. Everything for my speech class has been submitted. Really, I just need to focus. But I am so distracted by all the "fun" things. I want to go Christmas shopping, work on the children's musical (actually I need to), make fun little Christmas desserts, search Pinterest and take random pictures with my new camera. Wanna see a few?? Okay, here ya go... Ashley Jean, playing the computer, she was so sweet to pause her game to take this picture :)  RonJon at church yesterday, isn't this so like him?  Mt. Hood captured on our way home from church yesterday. Not very clear, I know but I took it through the car window. I was going through the kids' papers from school and came across Elle's acrostic poem for THANKSGI...

Friends + Christmas + Cookies = Great Times

Last night we went to Sis. Hads house to hang out and decorate cookies. Now, I need to back up a little to tell you about Sis. Hads. She is a wonderful lady with an enormous heart for people, especially little people. She runs a daycare/preschool business out of her home and it is not just a "job" but a passion. Not only does she run this business, she is extremely gifted in the interior decorating and event decorating department. AND...she's an incredible cook, baker and candle stick maker (well, not sure about the candles, but she probably could be). My kids ask BEG to go to her house, because it is ALWAYS fun! Last night was no exception! My kids play and I get to chat with a great friend, eat her yummy food and desserts, and search Pinterest. What more could a girl want? I just took a few pictures of the kids while they were decorating cookies and a couple of her adorable Christmas decor, just one of her several trees! Next year, I'm gonna have more trees, defin...

25 Days until Christmas!!

I had to laugh at Ashley yesterday. She asks me everyday, "How many more days until Christmas?" (I am sure all you parents are getting the same question). Well, I told her since the day was almost over it was about 25 days until Christmas. She said, "Oh yay! 25 is my favorite number, I couldn't wait until there were 25 days left!" Huh? Lol! Okay, that was random. Then she said, "Now I can't wait until there are 3 days until Christmas, because 3 is my other favorite number!" Oh, if only life was so favorite number, if I had one, would be 8:30 pm (bedtime). lol. Anyhow, I am so excited for Christmas this year. We will be spending Christmas with my parents, in their new home, making new memories, and that is super-de-duper exciting! My mom did not make Thanksgiving dinner this year, as she was in Arizona. So she said she was going to make a feast at Christmas AND she wanted to make it ALL! YES!!! That is so AWESOME! You know why? I'l...